



          感谢郭文贵先生多次在Steve Bannon先生的War room: pandemic 中强调中共政府及其控制下各路海内外媒体的虚伪。在2019年12月疫情爆发初期,中国共产党就在隐瞒疫情,没有将真实的情况告诉全世界,直到现在也一直在感染和死亡的人数上欺骗全世界。中国共产党从来没有想给感染的人治疗,而是像猪一样把人民封锁和监禁起来,直到他们病死饿死,他们唯一想做的就是继续奴役人民,从奴工贸易中获取利润。习近平想通过在武汉的表演企图说服大家真的拐点已经到来,但同时却有湖北某些小区爆出有集中感染事件,以及近来媒体大肆报道新确诊病例都是从意大利伊朗‘逃回’中国的输入型病例,中共政府已然知道二次爆发不可避免,却利用舆论管控把责任推卸到其他国家。2020年3月初,在病毒仍然大规模传播没有得到有效遏制的情况下,中共当局却开始编造各地零感染的谎言,要求人民和企业复工,想要通过牺牲掉人民的健康与生命,维持国家政权的经济稳定,以换取他们最后的统治时间。



          1. 不要相信从中共官员以及他们控制下官方媒体所说的每一个字。也不要轻易相信任何所谓的独立媒体,尤其是来自中国大陆地区的信息。由于目前感染中国病毒并非百分百致命,因此也无需恐慌,做好自我防护,保证营养,多运动,增强自身免疫力,就更有可能成为幸存者。但该病毒的诞生就是一种生化武器,并且在大规模传播以后就会变异,致死率可能会上升,所以应该做最坏情况下的准备。首先是要尽量保证自己不感染病毒,只有先活下来,才能考虑今后的事。不要以为有口罩就可以随意外出了。不要听从中国政府的谎言,不要复工,现在不要考虑挣钱,应利用现有积蓄保命。

          2. 闭门不出是最简单有效的防御办法。减少与外人的接触,避开人群,尽量前往人少的地区,能去乡村住就不在人口密集,外来人口流动频繁的城市居住,能去地形闭塞的山地,就不要住在缺乏天然防御的平原地带。呆在安全的住所里,再做好至少半年的物资准备,最基础的就是粮食和水,以耐储存的罐头等密封的食品为先。囤积物资并不仅仅是考虑以后会发生饥荒,也是避免通过购买物资而与外界接触感染病毒。除了粮食,也要准备现金,能有纸币就不要再存进银行,能有美元就不要留着人民币,要将积蓄的至少三分之二换成最有保障的金银等。尽量避免让外人知道自己储存了以上物资,免得招来盗贼,因此还需要有武器来自我保护,有刀的用刀,有枪的用枪,做好近身格斗的练习。

         3. 更大的危机还没有到来。中国病毒的扩散现在已经造成全球经济动荡,随之而来的就是社会动乱,政府对人民失控,各种暴力事件频发,人道主义灾难。可想而知,中共利用各种谎言也避免不了他们即将倒台的现实。中共倒台以后的中国并不会直接成为某些民运人士幻想的一个民主的新中国,或许会有一个短暂的软弱的过渡政府出现,但长期的动荡是无法避免的。因为除非重新像中共那样通过集权来维持帝国的统一和奴役下的和平,并且有大量外部资源的支撑,不然没有任何人和组织可以统治这样一个帝国。因此中共的倒台会导致中国大陆地区长期的无政府状态,为了在这样的乱世中做好准备,要比现在对待中国病毒会更为重要。我们燕独联给京津冀地区人民的建议就是,不要做无用的幻想,尽早地脱离只为个人小家庭讨生活的原子化散沙状态,在幽燕地区最大的宗教组织天主教会中寻求保护为先,其次是穆斯林团体和被中共列为邪教的某些宗教或类宗教的团体,如全能神与法轮功,甚至投靠到所谓黑社会组织中也能获得保护,比如燕郊的李福成家族。

          4. 逃离中国疫区会有更大的生存机会。能不在中共统治区的一定要前往海外,能去边疆的就不要留在汉地十八省。虽说海外如今也大规模感染中国病毒,但至少大部分国家政府会真的去考虑保护人民的生命,加上自我保护,生存机会就可以提高很多。如果在海外居住,也尽量要像在中国大陆地区那样做准备,但一般来说,海外的物资并不会严重缺乏,因此物资适量准备即可,主要是要做好在经济危机后可能引发的社会动荡时期的自我保护。

          5. 海外燕族人要团结起来武装自卫。由于病毒来自中国,中国病毒在海外大规模传播以后,黑发黄肤的亚裔族群会在海外受到排斥和攻击,为了保护自身的安全,不要前往所谓的华人社区聚居,因为华人社区是没有任何自我保护能力的。有两个可靠的选择,一个是寻求一些宗教团体的保护,一般来说宗教虔诚的人们是不会有种族歧视的,但我们不推荐,因为你不能利用他人的好心,并且这不是一个彻底解决问题的办法。所以另一个选择就是自我保护,不能再像支那帝国编户齐民下的原子化个人状态存活了,原子化家庭的后果就是那些海外的华人社区一样缺乏民族凝聚力,轻易的就遭到大屠杀。而已经摒弃了支那文化的韩裔就能够在各种排斥亚裔的动乱时期不受波及。来自京津冀地区的海外移民,你们要做的就是要脱离中国认同,加入到新的民族共同体中去,成为幽燕西亚人。自燕独联创立一年多以来,我们的组织成员已经遍布世界各地,在美国、加拿大、日本、新西兰、波兰、瑞典等国都有认同幽燕民族的人士,任何寻求自我保护的人,都可以联络所在国里的燕独联成员。2020年4月1日美国将进行第二十四届人口普查,如果你认同幽燕,那么就可以在种族一项中填写为YUYENCIAN,作为与中国人切割的第一步。我们燕独联所能提供的保护,就是让我们这些认同幽燕民族的人聚集起来,在自己人的社区里,拿起枪并肩战斗,以团体的力量来保护我们的家人和财产。而做这一切工作所需要的资金,通过新成立不久的幽燕西亚民族基金会就可以提供。

          6. 2020年2月在中国病毒爆发期间,曾有部分海外民运人士宣布“河北省独立”,包括居住在美国西雅图市的王清鹏女士(后撤销宣布)和最近流亡塞班岛的王志刚先生。他们所构想的是在中共倒台后中国仍然维持统一的情况下将河北省作为联邦制下的一员。对于其他有类似想法的民运人士,燕独联所给的建议是:要早日放弃幻想,尽快投入到我们已经展开数年的幽燕民族建构工作中来,才是对自己家庭以及家乡最有用的行动。如果仅仅在推特上打几个字或者举个反共牌子发个视频,即便是实名露脸的公开宣布,也不能代表任何政府,对于真正的独立运动也是毫无意义的。有真正的付出才能获得相应的回报。任何政府的作用都是维护公众的利益,唯有两点可以做到,就是金钱和武装,如果没有这些,就不会获得任何人的承认。所以我们燕独联至今并未正式宣布成立幽燕西亚临时政府,因为我们目前刚刚建立了民族基金会,只算完成了一半,只有海外社区真正的成型,保护家人的社区民团组建起来,枪握在手里,我们才有资格自称为临时政府或流亡政府。





English version:

Statement of COVID-19 from the UYI and YNF

          On behalf of the Union of Yuyencia independence(UYI) and the Yuyencia national foundation(YNF), we make a solemn statement about 2019 Coronavirus Pandemic(COVID-19), it has recently spread and spread globally.

          The virus should be named after its outbreak and also the location of the largest number of infections in Wuhan, China, and it should be called "Chinese virus" or "Wuhan pneumonia", so we use these two words as its Chinese name to comply with international practice .

          Based on what we know about the Communist Party of China, the world ’s largest terrorist organization, and many experts around the world have concluded that the virus is artificial. We believe this virus that harms all humans was made by the Chinese Communist Party ’s P4 virus laboratory in Wuhan, it is not a natural virus, not a common virus transmitted from wild animals to humans. Communist rule in this era has begun to falter, righteous forces around the world are driving them into dead ends, but they still want to maintain their evil regime, in order to continue to oppress and enslave the people of Yuyencia and other areas under the CCP ’s rule, so frantic and reckless development of viral weapons. They want to use this virus as a weapon that threatens all humanity, just as North Korean leaders are eager to possess nuclear weapons, they have abducted 1.4 billion people who have been enslaved. We have no evidence that the viral weapon was intentionally launched, or an accidental leak, like an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but we are convinced that the Chinese Communist Party should bear ultimate responsibility for this disaster that endangers the world.

          Thanks to Mr. Guo Wengui for repeatedly emphasizing the hypocrisy of the CCP government and its media at home and abroad in War room: pandemic of Mr. Steve Bannon. The Communist Party was concealing the outbreak in the early days of the outbreak in December 2019, they did not tell the world the truth, and until now they have been deceiving the world in the number of infections and deaths. The Chinese Communist Party never wanted to treat infected people, but blocked and imprisoned the people like pigs until they became sick and starved, the only thing they want to do is to continue to enslave the people and make a profit from the slave trade. Xi Jinping wants to convince everyone that the inflection point has arrived through his performance in Wuhan. But at the same time, there were concentrated infection incidents in some communities in Hubei, and recently the media has reportedly reported that the newly diagnosed cases are imported cases that ‘flee’ to China from Italy and Iran. The CCP government already knew that the second outbreak was inevitable, but used public opinion control to shirk its responsibility to other countries. At the beginning of March 2020, when the virus was still spreading on a large scale and was not effectively contained, the Chinese authorities have begun to fabricate lies that are zero infections everywhere and demand that people and enterprises resume work, they want to maintain the economic stability of the state's power by sacrificing the health and life of the people in exchange for their final rule.

          As a Yuyencian who seeks freedom, we will do our whole life to hunt down any Chinese Communist terrorist who invades Yuyencia, and confiscated all their property in China to compensate for the loss of slavery and oppression in the past 80 years, at the same time, we will also claim the assets of Chinese Communist Party terrorists in the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries. In the end we will build a country of freedom that belongs to our Yuyencians.

          In the following, we will give some advice to protect our lives and property of the Yuyencians who are enslaved under the CCP's rule and the overseas Yuyencians who are threatened by the Chinese virus .

          1. Don't believe every word spoken by Chinese officials and the official media under their control. Do n’t easily believe in any so-called independent media, Especially information from mainland China. Since the current infection with the Chinese virus is not 100% fatal, there is no need to panic, do good self-protection, ensure nutrition, sports more, and strengthen your immunity, will be more likely to be a survivor. But the birth of the virus was a biochemical weapon, and it will mutate after mass transmission, the mortality rate may increase, so you should be ready for the worst. The first is to try to ensure that you are not infected with the virus, only by living first can we consider the future. Don't think you can go out with a mask. Don't listen to the Chinese government's lies, don't resume work, don't consider making money now, and use your existing savings to save your life.

          2. Staying in your home and closed doors is the simplest and most effective defense method. Reduce contact with outsiders, stay away from people, and try to go to areas with few people, if you can go to the countryside, don't live in cities with dense populations and frequent migrants, if you can go to a mountain with closed terrain, don't live in the dangerous plains. Stay in a safe house, next, prepare for materials for at least half a year. The most basic is food and water, priority is given to sealed foods such as canned foods. Reserves are not just thinking about famine in the future, it is also to avoid virus infection through shopping. In addition to food, you also need to prepare cash. If you have cash, don’t put it in a bank anymore, don’t keep RMB if you can have dollars,  replace at least half of your money with the safest gold and silver. To prevent others from knowing that you have stored supplies, lest the thief notice. So we also need weapons to protect our property, if have a knife ,use it , if have a gun ,use it, and exercise to close combat.

          3. The greater crisis has not yet arrived. The spread of the Chinese virus has now caused global economic turmoil, what followed was social unrest, the government's loss of control of the people, frequent incidents of violence, and humanitarian disasters. It is conceivable that the CCP cannot avoid the fact that they will fall even using various lies. After the fall of the Communist Party of China, China will not directly become a democratic new China fantasised by some democracy activists. There may be a temporary weak transitional government, but long-term turmoil is inevitable. Because unless the CCP resumes centralization to maintain the empire's unity and peace under slavery, and is supported by a large number of external resources, no one can rule such an empire. Therefore, the fall of the Chinese Communist Party will lead to long-term anarchy in mainland China. In order to prepare for such a troubled world, it is more important than to treat the Chinese virus now. UYI ’s advice to the peoples in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is not to make useless fantasies, don't just make life like loose sand just for small personal families, seek protection first in the Catholic Church, the largest religious organization in Yuyen area, then Muslim groups, and Some religious or religious-like groups listed by the CCP as a cult, like Eastern Lightning and Falun Gong, you can get protection even if you trust in so-called underworld organizations, for example, the Li Fucheng family in Yanjiao town.

          4. Escape from China's epidemic area will have a greater chance of survival. If you can leave the CCP ’s area, you must go overseas. If you can go to the empire's frontier, don't stay in the eighteen provinces of Han. Although overseas is also currently infected with Chinese viruses on a large scale, but at least most governments will really consider protecting people ’s lives, coupled with self-protection, chances of survival can be improved a lot. If you live overseas, try to prepare as much as you do in mainland China. But generally speaking, overseas supplies are not severely lacking. Therefore, adequate preparation of materials is sufficient, mainly to do a good job of self-protection in the period of social turmoil that may be triggered after the economic crisis.

          5. Overseas Yuyencians must unite to defend themselves. Since the virus comes from China, after the large-scale spread of the Chinese virus in overseas, Black-haired, yellow-skinned Asians are excluded and attacked, to protect yourself, Do n’t go to the Chinese community, because the Chinese community does not have any ability to protect themselves. There are two reliable options, one is seeking protection from some religious groups, generally religious people will not have racial discrimination. But we don't recommend it because you can't take advantage of others' kindness, and this is not a complete solution. So another option is to protect by yourself, stop living like a slave labor under the rule of the Chinese Empire, and only seek government protection, the consequence is those overseas Chinese communities serious lack of national cohesion and armed self-defense capabilities, it was easily have massacred. And Koreans who have already abandoned the Chinese culture will not be affected in all kinds of turbulent times that exclude Asians. Overseas immigrants from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, What you should do is abandon the Chinese identity,and join to the new national community, become a Yuyencian. Since the Union of Yuyencia Independence(UYI) was founded more than a year ago, our organization has members all over the world, include the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Sweden and other countries. Anyone seeking self-protection can contact members of the UYI in their country. 2020 April 1 the United States will be the twenty-fourth census, if you consider you are a Yuyencian, then tell the U.S. government that your true ethnic group, as the first step in cutting with the Chinese. The protection UYI can provide, it's the gathering of those of us who identify with the Youyan people, is to bring together people who identify with the Yuyencian, in your own community, pick up a gun and fight side by side, protect our families and property with the power of the community. And the money needed to do all this work, available through the newly established Yuyencia National Foundation.

          6. During Chinese virus outbreak in February 2020, some overseas China democracy activists have declared "Independence of Hebei Province", including Ms. Wang Qingpeng, who lives in Seattle, U.S. (Later her deleted the declaration) and Mr. Wang Zhigang, who was recently in exile in Saipan. They hope to make Hebei Province a member of the Federation when China is still unified after the CCP ’s fall. For others who have similar ideas, the advice given by UYI is, abandon fantasy as soon as possible, join us in the work of building Yuyencia nation for several years, it is the most useful action for your own family and hometown. If you just type a few words on Twitter or post a video with an anti-Communist brand, even with the public announcement of a real name, it can not represent any government, it is also meaningless for true independence. Only with real pay can you get the corresponding return. The role of any government is to protect the public interest, there are only two things that can be done, is money and arms, without these, it would not be recognized by anyone. So we have n’t officially announced the establishment of the Yuyencia Interim Government. Because we have just established the National Foundation, just half done, only overseas communities are truly established, build arm groups that can protect your family, hold the gun in hand, we are eligible to call ourselves interim governments or governments in exile.

          UYI finally called again, anyone who truly loves Yuyencian's homeland and lives in exile, please join our Yuyencian community, completely abandon identification with Chinese, take up arms to defend our own rights with us. We also have to expel the Chinese invaders, in  our homeland Establish a new Yan Kingdom ruled by the Yuyencian themselves.

March 13, 2020
Published by the Union of Yuyencia independence Founder and Leader Jacob Pius, Person in charge of the Yuyencia National Foundation Ryan and other Yuyencian Patriots